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Organisational Structure
What makes the Bundesnachrichtendienst special is its wide range of tasks. A multitude of experts in various fields makes sure that we stay up to date, whether it concerns political developments in the Far East, hacker groups, or the latest developments in weapons technology.
The BND has approx. 6,500 employees.
What all of them have in common is their mission: the BND informs the Federal Government on developments that are important with regard to the government’s foreign and security policy. Collecting and processing information is therefore at the centre of our organisational structure.
However, the supporting divisions are just as important. Even intelligence services need efficient administration or IT networks to function.
That is why the BND is divided into six divisions based on a functional logic:
- Analysis
- Intelligence Collection
- Intelligence Capabilities
- IT Support
- Central Support Tasks
- Innovative Technologies, Research and Training
Analysis and Intelligence Collection
As the name suggests, our analysis division is responsible for analysing information and reporting to the Federal Government and other relevant bodies and institutions. Among other things, this division creates situation pictures on political, economic and military subjects on the countries and regions contained in the Federal Government’s mission profile.
In addition to that, our experts deal with issues related to international terrorism, organised crime and the causes and effects of migration. BND experts collect intelligence on terrorist networks, smuggling routes or money laundering methods, among other topics.
Other relevant topics include international arms trade, CBRN weapons and defence technology. Our engineers and scientists help with issues such as better understanding certain missile potentials, collecting information on illegal arms shipments, or being one step ahead in new technologies – for example artificial intelligence or quantum technology.
Of course, the extensive amount of information our analysis division processes and includes in reports does not appear out of nowhere. Our intelligence collection division is responsible for the legally permissible and method-based collection of intelligence. As an all-source intelligence service, the BND is legally authorised to use a wide range of sources. This includes open-source information, satellite imagery or human sources.
In addition to that, technical intelligence collection is of immense and constantly increasing significance. The BND’s experts from the fields of intelligence technology, software development and data analysis use cutting-edge intelligence technology that enables our analysis division to analyse cyber threats and possibilities to avert them.
This illustrates how closely the analysis and intelligence collection divisions are intertwined. The analysis division determines which issues are the most important at a certain point in time and later evaluates how helpful the collected information was for their reporting to the Federal Government.
This clearly shows the functional logic the BND organisation is based on and its analogy to the so-called intelligence cycle. Based on this, the core intelligence work resembles a cycle consisting of planning, information collection and analysis, and reporting and evaluation.
From Intelligence Capabilities to Training
Without personnel, IT infrastructure or intelligence capabilities, we cannot fulfil our mission. The Supporting Divisions are just as indispensable as the Intelligence Collection and Analysis divisions.
The Intelligence Capabilities division particularly supports the intelligence collection division by providing experience, technical expertise, and contacts at home and abroad.
The IT Support division makes sure that communication processes we require for our work are available worldwide. This is where our software developers and programmers work – and many other experts.
The Central Support Tasks division is the BND’s central service point. This division deals with typical administrative tasks such as HR management, budget or legal issues. Its experts take care of the safety of our staff and infrastructure as well as matters of health insurance and property management. Here you can find our administrative specialists and legal experts, for example.
Our colleagues from the Innovative Technologies, Research and Training division make sure the BND is future-proof.
The Innovative Technologies and Research team is our very own innovation services provider. Conducting project-based research and development, the team keeps an eye on future trends and cooperates with partners from science and industry.
Another important pillar for the BND’s successful future is well-trained personnel. This is the responsibility of our team at the Centre for Intelligence Training and Professional Development. Experienced teaching staff and professors provide training to our junior staff – and that of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) – and offer suitable supplementary training to our staff.
We would not be able to fulfil our mission without HR, IT support or our Situation Centre, which sends the analysts’ reports to the Federal Government and others. The supporting units are just as indispensable as the directorates that obtain and analyse information.